Security Token Awareness

-- Vasily Kudrin spoke on security token offerings and placements.


Vasily Kudrin, Director of Lybrion, spoke on opportunities and risk management for security token offerings and placements at the conference supported by Crypto Valley Association.


The following issues were addressed in the presentation.

  • Security token offering is an effective tool for companies that have proven historical results and the potential to scale business forming ecosystems in their economic niches.
  • Security token project risk management should have a holistic approach that does not distinguish risks for investors and risks for issuers.
  • It is important to pay more attention to risks related to competencies and psychology of teams standing behind security token projects.
  • When analyzing relationships, it is recommended to address risks of toxic or limiting strategic partnerships, as well as the barriers that arise in relations with significant suppliers of products and services to the company.
  • The prospects for the security token market are related to the share growth of digitized assets and debt portfolios, involving companies from the real economy sector and the decentralization of regulation, and also lie in the field of hybrid digital assets and iterative project financing.
  • Key recommendations for security token project organizers and issuers are related to maintaining reputation and reducing risk appetite, the tasks of extracting and maintaining competencies and achieving a balance in team building, the need to avoid conflicts of interest, including when choosing advisers and service providers, the ability to manage investors categories, and take into account the model of the economy, choosing the most promising sectors and niches.

    Lybrion is constantly developing its risk management competencies in organizing fundraising and managing digital financial assets and invites all interested parties to cooperate, exchange experience and implement mutually beneficial partnerships.

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