Lybrion Alliance is the world class, prime and qualified digital investment environ for our partners, clients and trusted associates leading in innovations, technologies, and actions for positive business and social impact on people’s well-being and development.

Partner ventures
mln. USD of TVL
Lyrbion Initials

Vasily Kudrin
Corporate governance and finance professional.
- • Corporate governance and financial management professional, 20+ years of experience.
- • More than 200 professional engagements in field of corporate governance, risk management, business advisory (Basic Element Group, Yukos, Ernst & Young, X5 Retail Group, AFC Sistema, HLB Russian Group).
- • Professional communities activist.

Andrey Plastovets
Blockchain governance and strategy professional.
- • Project management, risk analysis and strategic planning with 7+ years of experience.
- • A leading financial adviser and investment specialist in the digital asset market and stock.
- • Andrey has a commercial and Information Technology background and consulted dozens of blockchain projects.
- • Private investor in more than 15 blockchain projects since 2016.

Alexey Pogorely
Blockchain and digital public finance professional.
- • Investment specialist in ICO, IEO, STO and project analytics since 2015.
- • Co-founder of the iTuber online investors community.
- • Competencies: attracting investments, investment management, technical and legal consulting, risk analysis, strategic planning, concept development.
- • Private investor in more than 25 Web3 and crypto projects.

Dmitry Suschov
Investment and corporate finance professional.
- • Investment and corporate finance professional, 20+ years of experience.
- • More than 200 professional engagements in field of financing, investment management, management consulting, corporate governance (Eurasia Mining, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, MDM Bank, Investment Group Capital, Noble House Capital).
- • Traditionary and impact business investor.
Lybrion connects projects from digital space with private and institutional investors for main information about investment opportunities. Join the world of digital assets with us.
The Lybrion's companies are managed by teams combining competence in blockchain, investment and corporate governance professional areas. Lybrion Alliance is a trusted and effective partner for all partakers of digitized financial markets. [presentation]
Lybrion welcomes clients, experts, professional organizations, strategic partners, project teams to cooperation and business interaction.