Digital Organizations

-- Vasily Kudrin spoke on perspectives of digital organizations.

Vasily Kudrin, Director of Lybrion, spoke about growth of digital organizations and governance on the conference devoted to innovations, science and technologies in practical corporate goverance, risks and control.

The speech highlighted the next issues:

  • History of development of decentralizaed organizations;
  • Comparison of decentralized (digital) and traditional organizations;
  • Types and specific features of digital organization and digital corporate governance;
  • Digital corporate goverance risks;
  • Elements of traditional corporate governance applicable in cryptoindustry.

    Presentation: Vasily Kudrin. Digital organizations and digital corporate governance

    Digital organizations are designed and built based on rules encoded in programs (smart contracts). They exist and function exclusively in digital form, purely on blockchain and in a model when an on-chain (digital) entity dictates all off-chain processes and interactions. Digital corporate governance is a system by which a digital organization is directed, its goals are achieved, which determines the form of relationships between network (organization) partakers, key stakeholder groups and external parties/partners. Lybrion pays considerable attention to the quality of its methodology for building digital organizations. Our teams concentrate the most effective practices for applying corporate governance to achieve the goals and sustainable development of digital organizations. Lybrion invites all interested parties to interact and implement productive projects in digital business.

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